Sunday, April 4, 2010

A Mazing

Having children is the most beautiful thing I have to being stoned at a Pink Floyd concert.
There are times cuando pega cacho la depre (when depression hits bad) and my oldest runs to the restroom, runs back toward me holding the end of the toilet paper and the rest rolling behind him and wipes the tears from my eyes telling me, "It's okay mommy, don't cry" and kisses my cheek.
Then, there are times when he's playing under my desk while I'm writing a 10 page paper for school and he decides to disconnect the computer while he's down there...just 'cause.
Just recently, I was showing him how to do a, a maze. I said, this little character needs to get from here, the starting point, to here, the finish mark. I was showing him how to trace inside the lines of the maze and on purpose I would go take the wrong route and go back and say, "oops, that's not the way...let's go back." Then after we got to the finish mark, I said, "okay, now you try it, help 'Bunny' get from here to here." So he takes the pencil and he draws a line straight through the maze from start to finish, he puts the pencil down and says, "there."
This is the same child who changes underwear about three times a day and tells me he NEEDS to change his underwear because the other ones "got wet." The same one who yells at me from the bath room "Mommy, cacíta ready!" meaning he's ready for me to wipe his butt. He's the same one who when I tell him he can't eat chocolate powder by the spoon full says, "Sure I can, look."
This story is to be I have to tend to my motherly doodies.

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